Bruce Andrus / bHotel/b Owner/operator, Huntington bHotels/b / Park City, UT / $20000. Daniel bBrinton/b / Physician, East Bay Retina Consultants / Lafayette, CA / $2000. Stan Lee / Pharmacist, Nelsons Drug Store / Upland, CA / $5000 ...
A special thanks to a small team of four that came up during their bvacation/b in Anchorage to help with the snow cones! We also gave away hundreds of girls and boys goody bags, as well as goody bags for the adults and the ever popular ... Megan is in 5th grade, her last year of elementary school, Emily is in 3rd grade and bBrinton/b is going full time in kindergarten. They're all doing really well. Mostly everyone is back in town from camp so attendance in Kid's Klub and youth ...